Transfergratis is a money transfer platform known for its simplicity, speed, and security. Since 2022, we have been offering free transactions from Canada to several African countries, including Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Côte d’Ivoire, Ethiopia, Gabon, and Togo, all at very competitive rates. Our app is a leader in terms of speed, but like any online service, there may be times when some transactions take longer than expected. This article explains the different reasons that could delay your transaction and how you can address them.

I - Reasons that may slow down a transaction

First of all, it’s important to know that Transfergratis always processes transactions securely and quickly. However, there may be times when transfers are delayed due to certain reasons beyond our control.

1 – Instability of telephone operators’ network

An unstable telephone network can lead to frequent interruptions, disrupting the transaction process and causing delays in processing requests. When you make a money transfer, data exchanges occur between your device and the operator’s servers. If the network is slow, the time needed to send and receive this information also increases, slowing down the entire procedure. For example, last March, the Orange network experienced significant instability in Cameroon due to an undersea cable failure. This resulted in internet outages and a complete lack of network access for several days, making many transactions to Orange Money unsuccessful. Fortunately, other operators like MTN and bank deposits were available to meet our clients’ needs.

Additionally, when the network is unstable, some data may be lost during transmission. Therefore, it becomes clear that such issues are often beyond our control, as is their resolution. However, we recommend waiting for the network to stabilize before attempting the procedure again.

2 – Incorrect information entry 

Entering incorrect information can also delay your transaction. If the recipient’s name does not match the provided mobile money account, or if the phone number or bank account number is incorrect, the process may be blocked. Similarly, if the recipient’s number is not linked to a mobile money account, the transaction cannot be completed.

Reaching a transaction limit can also cause issues. When the system detects an error, it must carry out additional checks, which leads to delays and can even cancel the transaction, requiring the user to start over. These errors can also slow down security checks, extending the waiting time for approval. If you encounter one of these issues, customer service will contact you to inform you of the situation and help you correct the necessary information. Therefore, it’s important to verify all details before finalizing your transfer request.

3 – Reached transaction limit

When a transaction limit is reached, it can delay or block an online money transfer. Each mobile money or bank account usually has a daily or monthly limit on the amount that can be received or sent. If the recipient has reached this limit, the transaction cannot be completed immediately. The system needs to verify whether the limit is reached, and if confirmed, the transaction is put on hold or canceled until the limit is reset. This means either waiting until the next day or adjusting the transferred amounts, which slows down the entire process.

For example, imagine you want to send 2,000,000 FCFA to a relative in Côte d’Ivoire through their Orange Money account, but their daily limit is set at 1,000,000 FCFA. In this case, the transaction cannot be completed as planned. However, you have several options: you can send 1,000,000 FCFA today and wait for the limit to reset to complete the rest the next day. You could also split the amount, sending part through Orange Money and the rest via another operator like MTN Mobile Money, or opt for a direct bank deposit.

4 – Bank delays

Delays in money transfers can occur for various reasons, often related to the internal procedures of banks. For example, when sending money from Canada to a bank in Ethiopia, your transaction must go through multiple validation steps. Each bank has its own processes, and these steps can take longer depending on their policies, holidays, or business hours. Additionally, for international transfers, factors like time zones and currency conversions can extend the processing time. So, if the bank in Ethiopia takes longer than expected to process your transfer, the money won’t arrive until all these verifications are complete, which can be frustrating for both you and the recipient.

II - How to simplify your transactions?

To help you resolve or avoid issues with slow transactions, here are some simple tips to follow:

Check the information entered: Ensure that all the information provided (name, account number, phone number) is accurate and matches the recipient’s details.

Contact customer service: With Transfergratis, transactions are usually very quick: generally, it takes barely 5 minutes for a transfer to a mobile money account and up to one business day for a bank deposit. However, if you notice an unusual delay, don’t hesitate to contact customer service right away. They can check the status of your transaction and inform you about what might be causing the delay.

Check the network: Before making a transfer, ensure that the network quality in the recipient’s country is good. It’s also important that your internet connection is stable and that the recipient’s network, especially for Mobile Money transactions, is functioning properly. This will help you avoid potential delays.

Be patient with banking delays: Some bank transactions take longer depending on each bank’s policies, especially for international transfers. If a transfer is delayed due to a bank, wait for the bank’s processing times to be fulfilled.

Check transaction limits: If the recipient has reached their receiving limit or if your sending limit is reached, the transaction will be blocked. You will either need to wait for the limit to reset or adjust the amounts.

Retry after a delay: In case of a temporary issue like a network outage or platform overload, wait a few hours before trying again.

In summary, certain transactions may be slowed down by factors such as an unstable network, exceeded transfer limits, or banking delays. However, there are simple solutions to overcome these obstacles and complete your transfers smoothly. By taking a few precautions before making a transfer, carefully checking your information, and keeping an eye on network quality, you can enhance your transaction experience with Transfergratis. If you experience any delays, don’t hesitate to contact our customer service, available 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.

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