Internet cafes are the hunting grounds for grazers

In Ivorian slang, they are called “grazers,” referring to sheep that graze effortlessly in the pasture. Specialists in deception, these scammers aim to defraud remotely through seduction, as well as threats and blackmail. Victims, once caught in their traps, may engage in irrational behavior such as offering their life savings or taking out loans to no avail. The phenomenon of online fraud, or “scamming,” which emerged in the 2000s, has become a concerning reality in Africa. As internet and digital technology usage increases across the continent, grazers exploit this trend to carry out sophisticated scams, often at the expense of vulnerable individuals. As is often the case with such fraud, they rely on the fact that victims may be too embarrassed to come forward for fear of having been deceived. However, it is crucial to report these abuses to prevent them from escalating and to protect others from becoming victims.

I – How do grazers operate?

Grazers attract their victims in several ways.

Romantic Scams: This is one of the most popular techniques. Grazers pose as romantic partners on dating sites or social media. They create fake profiles with attractive photos that have nothing to do with their real identity. Once they have lured someone in, they establish a relationship of trust with the victim before requesting money for fictitious reasons, such as medical emergencies or travel expenses to meet their supposed soulmate. According to the government website for digital risk prevention, Cybermalveillance.gouv, the number of romance scams recorded almost doubled (91%) between 2022 and 2023.

Phishing Scams: This is a variation of the first type, involving fake profiles to obtain victims’ personal data to steal funds or intimate images to blackmail the victim. Scammers send emails or messages that appear to come from reliable sources, such as banks or companies, to gather personal and financial information.

Investment Scams: Grazers offer enticing investment opportunities promising high returns. Once victims invest, the scammers disappear with the funds.

Job Scams: Scammers post fake job offers to recruit individuals who pay fees for training or equipment, then disappear once the money is received.

Another technique, which emerged in 2021 and is now very common, is the fake court summons scam. Typically, it states that you are under investigation or indictment for pedopornographic offenses. The grazer impersonates a police officer, using official logos, and eventually proposes to settle a fine. This technique aims to cause such anxiety in the victim that they lose all sense of caution.

II - The Impact of Scamming on Victims

The impacts of scamming are often devastating for victims.

Financial Loss: Financial losses can be substantial, with victims sometimes losing thousands of dollars. These losses can lead to significant financial hardship and debt.

Emotional Stress: In addition to the financial impact, victims may experience significant emotional stress, feeling deceived and betrayed. Feelings of shame or guilt can also complicate the process of seeking help.

Erosion of Trust: Scams can also affect self-confidence and increase distrust of others, particularly in online interactions.

Prison for Victims: Victims under the control of their perpetrators may sometimes commit irreparable acts. For example, on March 12, 2024, the newspaper *Le Parisien* reported the arrest of a 27-year-old man who confessed to killing his wife “out of love” for a mistress. Nicolas H. explained to investigators that he acted because he had fallen in love with a certain Béatrice Leroux, a young woman he met virtually who turned out to be a “grazer.” Unfortunately, he was unaware of this and was arrested for murder.

III – How to recognize a grazer?

Regarding romance scams, several signs can help you identify a grazer, starting with inconsistent responses. Don’t hesitate to ask numerous questions. The grazer promises to meet their victim but always seems to find an excuse at the last moment. If in doubt, a reverse search of the account’s photos can help identify a scam. Also, don’t hesitate to discuss it with your loved ones. Often, the grazer tries to socially isolate the victim to better control them.

For job scams, the offer often requires payment of fees within a short timeframe to secure an interview or to process your application, otherwise, your candidacy will be rejected. Never give in, as it is abnormal to pay money to get a job, let alone an interview.

In investment scams, the offer is usually very lucrative and too good to be true. A well-crafted scam promises a high return on investment within a short period, so make sure to research the company in question.

In cases of fake court summons scams, several indicators can be noted, such as discrepancies in the addresses used compared to those of real law enforcement and numerous spelling mistakes. These messages are deliberately anxiety-inducing, meaning they provoke or amplify anxiety and stress in recipients. They emphasize the urgency of a response or suggest that the accusations will be shared with your relatives or the media. These messages typically impersonate real police officers, using identities found on official websites.

IV - What to do if you are a victim of a grazer?

It is imperative never to send money or intimate photos to someone you have never truly met. In the case of a grazer posing as a police officer, do not click on any links or respond, and be cautious with any suspicious emails you receive.

If you have already gone further, the first step should be to cease all communication, even in the face of threats. While it is natural to want to delete all traces of these interactions, it is important to keep them to build a case and file a complaint quickly. Additionally, inform the website or platform used.

If you have shared banking information or made transfers, contact your bank to block or change your access. Some banks offer reimbursement to their clients in cases of this type of scam. Changing all your passwords is also a crucial step.

Scammers in Africa are an increasingly serious problem. With the rise in internet and technology usage, these online fraudsters, who deceive people to extract money from them, are becoming more frequent and sophisticated. The scams they perpetrate not only result in significant financial losses but also lead to stress and emotional problems for the victims.

To address this issue, it is important to educate internet users about scams and help them recognize the signs of fraud.

Feel free to share this article with your loved ones and explore our blog to learn all about online scams and the best ways to avoid them.

sources :
Le parisien

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